Vision Goals
What we are believing for:
“to see vibrant churches established in every sub-district within the five provinces and to see churches in Thailand mobilized for mission.”

A “vibrant church is established” when:
The Church
- Is salt and light, positively impacting and influencing its community. People in the community know where to find help in trouble.
- Is outward-looking – sending out and multiplying. It is reaching out into every part of the tambol. Unsaved people are regularly coming to Christ.
- Demonstrates the Body of Christ functioning, different parts working together. It represents unity in diversity.
- Sees regular evidence of God’s power at work through miracles, encountering God’s presence, and God speaking to people with Scriptures and promises.
- Is self-governing and well administered.
- Is financially self-supporting and generous.
Church leaders
- Demonstrate a life in love with Jesus and a clear calling which makes them godly, servant-hearted, passionate and persevering.
- Make other leaders and disciples. They Influence others with Kingdom vision, helping others to find their role in God’s plan.
- Have an ability to lead, shepherd and protect the flock.
Church members
- Honour and worship their Heavenly Father. Walk with God, lead fruitful lives serving Him, and are committed to prayer.
- Have a healthy Biblical foundation, know how to find answers in the Bible and can apply Biblical principles.
- Love and care for each other, developing trust and respect. They are honest, people of integrity, open to confess to each other and willing to forgive.
- Are interested in others outside the church.

A “church is mobilized for mission” when:
The Church
- Has mission at its core, with an awareness of needs beyond the local church and has an identification of its place in the worldwide church.
- Engages in reaching its own community, sub-district and district. It is glad to engage with places further away.
- Is free of fear about its own existence, prepared to sacrifice, generously giving up its best resources (people, time, money) to invest elsewhere.
- Has established systems of finance and support specifically for mission.
Church leaders
- Develop a Biblical theology of mission, have clear intentions to reach out and are able to communicate a vision and concern for the challenge of world mission.
- Promote regular prayer for the world.
- Help people to find their role in God’s mission plan. They invest in, empower, release and support emerging leaders.
- Network and build relationships with mission organisations and other mission-minded churches.
Church members
- Have a sense of a debt of love and know the heart of God.
- Pray for the needs of the world, and have opportunities to develop a concern for the lost.
Participate in accomplishing the Great Commission, able to clearly present the Gospel in various situations.